Meeting with the designer Dusciana Bravura from Studio DU.
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Studio Du is a suggestive atelier located in Calle de le Carrozze in Venice, next to San Marco Square, where you can admire the artist Dusciana Bravura’s artworks. She an expert of arts, design and in particular of mosaic applications. In fact, she was mosaic professor at Accademia delle Belle Arti in Ravenna, artistic director at Arch-Skin in Moscow, winner of important prizes with her artworks and she collaborated with her father Marco for the realizazion of mosaic fountain and other public works in many cities. In her studio you can discover the colorful world of mosaic, admiring Dusciana’s creations: jewels, bags, frames, beautiful panels and original objects.

Venice Design Week give its public the opportunity to admire her mosaic works from a privileged point of view, becoming familiar with the background of their creation on Wednesday 7th October 2015 at 5 pm. We will wait for this journey between design and mosaic to know this precious and versatile element. Registration on:

Venezia, in Calle de le Carrozze, 3283 San Marco
Tel.  +39 333 265 54 22